These packets are especially frustrating - they have arrived at the host but the application does not have access to them until the kernel can create an in-order stream. Some applications that are really doing messaging over TCP (which might be sensible if you're looking for congestion control, maybe layered security, maybe multiplexing different semantic streams onto one TCP stream and the loss is localized to one of them, etc..) might be capable of moving on with their lives (and their data) more quickly if they had access to the missing sequence numbers. So the question is, how long are these kinds of applications waiting for in-order data when out-of-order data is already at their host?
I ran that code for about 10 days on my desktop which runs typical American broadband with normal RTTs anywhere from 40 to 150ms. The host is even SACK enabled. Here is what I found:
* 38,881 web flows (port 80 or 443)
* 164 flows that contained reordered packets. That is 4.1 per thousand.
* 915K total packets. 18,169 of them reordered. That is 19.8 per thousand.
* The flows with reordering account for just .4% of the flows, but 40% of the total packets. Obviously, the bigger you are the more likely you are to experience a reordering event.. but furthermore small flows sometimes don't reorder at all because any loss that impacts them is more likely to be repaired with an empty window and a timeout.
* If you select for just the .41% of flows that experience reordering a whopping 4.6% of the packets in that flow are reordered on average. Indeed this average flow is pretty large - 2418 packets and 110 of them are delayed due to being out of order. The average size of a flow that did not experience any reordering was just 24 data packets long. The fact that reordering events are such large clusters is probably good news - it likely means that we were seeing big windows of data on the wire and just a small amount of the early packets in that window were lost.. the rest of the window is counted as out-of-order. We want to see big windows in flight - so I'm good with that.
* The average length of a reordered packet is 1424 bytes. Over 97% of these reordered packets are at least 1300 bytes long. This isn't that interesting, but I wrote it down - so here it is.
When I talk about "N packets long" I mean my host received N packets with data in them.. bare acks and control packets are not counted.
So far, that's not too bad. Big flows have this happen all the time. Reordering is basically a pre-requisite for doing any kind of TCP fast recovery in the face of packet loss so it looks good. If we assume that the reordering is due to small packet losses which can be repaired with fast-retransmit algorithms, which seems to make sense, then the out of order problem should be repaired in a little over 1 RTT, right?
Unfortunately, when I plotted the delays incurred they look a lot bigger than the distribution of RTTs I see from my dekstop. A lot bigger.

There is a really long tail on that graph - and it only captures the best 97% of the data points. The longest I saw any packet wait in the reorder queue (and make it out again) was a full 2.5 minutes.
Even though 2.5 minutes is an aberration, the normal cases are still pretty awful. The median time out of order packets spend queued in the kernel while waiting for an in-order stream is 293 milliseconds! Ouch.
Let's zoom in on that graph - this shows the 90% of the packets that waited the shortest amount of time:

That's pretty ugly, you need to budget a full second wait to get 80% of the reordered packets out of their kernel limbo.
It is much much uglier than I expected.
It's not the reordering that bothers me - big reordering runs are to be perfectly expected in the face of a little packet loss and it is good to use that bandwidth while the loss is repaired.
But why is it taking so long to repair?